Inflamed Gallbladder

Inflamed Gallbladder

inflamed gallbladder
inflamed gallbladder

The inflammation of the gallbladder is medically known as cholecystitis. Varying factors can be rooted for the cause of this condition such as:

  • Sex – Female – this is related to the elevated progesterone levels of women during pregnancy that can cause gallbladder problems.
  • Ethnic group – race is said to be a factor for the development of cholecystitis. It has been noted that people of Scandinavian descent have an increased probability for an inflamed gallbladder.
  • Weight: Obese or rapid weight loss
  • Drugs
  • Pregnancy
  • Increasing age – this is because of the increasing incidence of gallstone disease in the old people, but is not presented clear to us.

According to reports, people are most likely to develop such condition if not careful with their diet and lifestyle. The above risk factors precipitate the development of cholecystitis.


This condition is sorted into two types:

Acute cholecystitis

This condition sprouts in a sudden manner that can result to severe pain in the upper right abdomen. Acute cholecystitis is primarily caused but formation of gallstones. The inflammation is a result from the infectious process. This can lead to filling of fluid in the gallbladder and the thickening of the gallbladder wall.

Chronic cholecystitis

This condition is a persistent one that can last for more than 6 months. This is also a result of gallstone formation. It has been described as repeated attacks of pain. Since this is a chronic condition, the patient shall develop a thick-walled, scarred gallbladder.

Inflamed Gallbladder Symptoms

Those affected with cholecystitis are experiencing alternating acute pain in the abdominal area. This pain can be very severe that one cannot tolerate. The patient may also experience the pain for more than 6 hours. Usually the pain peaks after 15 to 60 minutes and can remain constant and incapacitating. The pain is located at the upper right abdomen, where our gallbladder is anatomically located. The pain can radiate to the right shoulder blade, a distinct symptom that indicates a problem of the gallbladder. Breathing deeply can worsen the pain and is sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain can also aggravate after eating a meal. Tenderness is also experienced by the affected. Additional symptoms are the following:

  • Clay colored stools – blockage of the bile duct causes this sign. Bile is essential in giving color to our stools.
  • Fever and chills – this occurs a few hours after a pain attack. The fever can shoot up to 38 °C with chills. Those with chronic cholecystitis rarely experience such symptoms.
  • Loss of appetite – the excruciating pain is rooted for the decrease or loss in appetite of the affected.
  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes – jaundice is also caused by the blockage in the common bile duct.

Inflamed Gallbladder Causes

Inflammation of the gallbladder is caused by multiple factors such as:

  • Formation and obstruction of gallstones in the bile duct – this is said to be as the common cause of cholecystitis.
  • Infection
  • Trauma
  • Tumor formation
  • Heredity
  • Malnutrition and stress

In order to attain diagnosis of the problem, the patient needs to undergo a physical examination that shall visualize the abdomen. The mere touching of the abdomen can elicit pain and shall provide us a sign of cholecystitis. Blood tests are rendered in order to rule out other causes such as:

  • Serum amylase and lipase
  • Serum bilirubin
  • Complete blood count
  • Liver function test

Tests that are for visualization are the following:

  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Abdominal CT scan
  • Abdominal x-ray
  • Oral cholecystogram
  • Gallbladder radionuclide scan – this test uses a radioactive material to check for the function of our gallbladder or to look for signs of infection and bile duct obstruction.

Inflamed Gallbladder Treatment

One should prevent the development of this condition by being aware of the following risk factors and avoid them. One should eat a healthy diet, get a regular exercise, lose weight slowly (not abruptly), and maintain the healthy weight.

Home remedies such as the following are suggested by the doctors:

  • Application of hot pack in the upper abdominal area can relieve the pain.
  • Administer a warm water enema to eliminate fecal accumulations for those constipated patients.
  • Doing physical exercises are needed to facilitate peristalsis.

Medical treatments for clients are provided and should be sought to a doctor:

  • Antibiotics are provided to control infection or avoid occurrence of infection
  • Intravenous hydration is provided rather than oral hydration
  • Pain medications are provided to patients to relieve discomfort

Surgical intervention is necessary especially to those who have severe problems or at the severe state. Cholecystectomy is the so-called surgical removal of the gallbladder. The gallbladder can be removed and can only provide fewer effects when a person does not have one.

Inflamed Gallbladder Diet

The diet for those who have an acute attack of cholecystitis is to undergo water fasting for two to three days. This should be followed up until the patient’s symptoms have subsided. A good fruit and veggie juice diet is recommended. The patient should drink beet, carrot, lemon, grape, grapefruit, and pear juices. Take moderate amounts of cooked vegetables and add more slightly raw cooked veggies. The patient should also avoid the following: fats, eggs, meat, spices, pickles, coffee, sugary products, and fried, greasy, processed foods. Taking small frequent feedings is more advisable and healthy, rather than having 3 meals a day which are large in contents.

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  1. I went to the emergency room Sunday for an inflamed gallbladder. The doctor said my white blood count was good and no signs of gallstones. I need to know what I can eat for the inflammation of the gall bladder to stay away from that way I don’t have to have surgery.

  2. i have fatty liver/sludge in gallbladder/type 2 diabetes and a survivor of breast cancer 57 yrs old I’m always tired no go in me to do anything. ive recently had full bloods done they came back as inflammation what does this mean? My mum had cirrossis,and diabetic she had her first heart attack when she was 12. she had a further 2 attacks and a stroke in adulthood. I m very worried Should I be? Debbie Cambs.