pitted keratolysis

Pitted Keratolysis

What is Pitted Keratolysis? Pitted keratolysis is a medical condition in which the skin on the feet and toes becomes infected with bacteria, due to...
rash on eyelid

Rash on Eyelid

The rash on eyelid is an inflammatory condition, in which a rash appears on the skin of the eyelid. This inflammatory response usually appears...


What is Gigantism? Gigantism is an extremely rare condition. It usually occurs during a person’s childhood but can happen during late adolescence when there is...
club foot

Club Foot

What is Club foot? Clubfoot, otherwise known as talipes equinovarus, is a deformity affecting the foot and the ankle wherein it is turned inward and...
inflamed liver

Inflamed Liver

What is an Inflamed Liver? There are many conditions associated with the liver. One of the common diseases of liver is inflammation, which can be...


What is Blepharitis? Blepharitis is inflammation or swelling of your eyelids and can be a very painful and uncomfortable condition. It is also a very...


What is Steatorrhea? The term Steatorrhea means that there are fatty components present in the stool. Once the stool has fatty particles, it leads to...
Gallbladder Surgery

Gallbladder Surgery

The gallbladder surgery is performed for the removal of the gallbladder and it is one of the most common surgical procedures. First of all,...
eczema on eyelid

Eczema on Eyelid

What is Eczema on eyelid? The eyelid is a very sensitive area, having the purpose to cover and protect the eye. Compared to the rest...


What is Paronychia? Paronychia is a fairly common superficial infection affecting the epithelium around the nails. This can affect the nails on the fingers and...
eczema on lips

Eczema on Lips

Eczema is the word generally used to describe the inflammation of the skin. The eczema on lips is the inflammation of the skin in...


What is Xerophthalmia? Xerophthalmia is a medical condition in which the eye film is reduced and the eye is incapable of producing tears. This appears...
hidradenitis suppurativa

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

What is Hidradenitis Suppurativa? Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic skin condition, having as main characteristic lumps of different sizes under the skin. Also known as...
transient lingual papillitis

Transient Lingual Papillitis

What is Transient Lingual Papillitis? Transient lingual papillitis is a medical condition in which the surface of the tongue, especially the fungiform papillae, is inflamed....
white spot on tonsils

White Spot on Tonsil

The tonsils are small gland like structures that are located on the lateral parts of the throat. In the past, if your tonsils got...
ganglion cyst wrist

Ganglion Cyst Wrist

What is Ganglion Cyst Wrist? Is there a palpable mass at the back of your hand? You could be having a ganglion cyst on your...
black specks in stool

Black Specks in Stool

What are tiny black specks in your stool? No one wants to look at their stool after having a bowel movement but there may be...
duodenitis pictures


What is Duodenitis? It is an irritation and inflammation that occurs in the lining in the beginning of the small intestine, which is called the...


What is Angiokeratoma? Angiokeratoma is a benign medical condition in which the superficial blood vessels in the skin are broken. The skin presents small marks...


What is Thyromegaly? Thyromegaly is better known in simple terms as goiter. This means that the thyroid gland had grown into a much bigger size...